Portal Post
In the year 2147, humanity discovered Revalio, a distant exoplanet rich with a unique mineral. This material exhibits unprecedented properties, one of the most remarkable being its ability to create spatial portals. As an esteemed researcher, you are sent to Revalio to study this material's properties and harness its potential. However, upon arriving at the Station, the main research hub, you discover that contact with all other stations has been lost. You appear to be the only researcher on the planet, and your mission has taken a drastic turn—from research to survival and escape.
Your primary objective is to develop the portal technology to a level that will enable you to leave the planet. However, before you can achieve that, you must survive the harsh and unpredictable environment of the planet, gather resources, and uncover the mystery behind the sudden loss of communication with the other stations, or at least that was the plan and idea, however, due to time limits between my work and studies, I was only able to implement a foundation. Although all the other systems for crafting, gathering, building, and portals were created, they were not implemented.
If you have read this far, thank you. If you have seen some of my other projects on Itch, you would also have noticed that the title of one and the planet in this one are similar, and the civilization in another game. This is because they will be linked once completed. Idle Rebellion, would be the first, as it is where players are sent to this planet the first time and must either escape or send a message out to call reinforcements. Revalo is currently set as the third (possibly just an off-shoot) installment (with a bit of a style shift), where the world has begun more experimentation with the materials found on the planet. And this would be the second in the series, where you are sent to assist research on the planet further.
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It seems my menu UI breaks a little on the smaller resolutions, I do apologize for that, and I will attempt to fix it if possible.